Transition Assistance Foundation
Battered Women's Survivors Club The Survivors Club - If you’ve lived through the nightmare of being battered, mistreated, or used, whether it was mentally, emotionally, and/or physically THEN YOU ARE A Survivor !!!! With your support of a $1.00 or more you’ll be sending people the message that may save someone ~ 4 life. With that $1.00 Donation and, by supporting The Survivors Club. we will be able to keep sending these messages letting others know that they don't have to live like slaves, be used, be mistreated, and/or battered. So get the ribbon that shows everyone that you're on their side and that you'll be there when they need you to be. Display this ribbon proudly on your car, your home, even your coat. For that $1.00 or more Donation you’ll not only be joining The Survivors Club for life. But, you'll be on our mailing list to provide you with all the new information about the different programs made ready for that single mom, who is feeling all alone because her husband or boyfriend, the one she was supposed to be able to trust, beats her till she's black and blue, or the wife that stays at home, hoping that her husband doesn't come home, because she knows that when he does come home... ALL HELL breaks lose and she may be beaten and or locked in a closet till she's just about catatonic. So, help us to help them. So they can help themselves. For the Donation of $1.00 or more. 1.) You’ll be a life time member 2.) You'll be on the mailing list to inform you of our programs 3) Plus you’ll be getting the ribbon. The ribbon that shows others you can too do something to stop domestic violence. To send a check, or a money order by mail to us. Make payable to: Transition Assistance Foundation. At 2900 Fulmer Rd. Lorain Oh. 44053. The foundation has recently purchased 11 properties for our “Community Re-entry Program”. Men, Women, and Families leaving shelters, hospitals and treatment facilities are given an opportunity to acquire new job and social skills while living in a safe, sober spiritually based environment. Although the “TAF Complex” is in good repair, certain renovations and maintenance costs are inevitable. We are in need of immediate funding to support our efforts. In addition to raising cash to cover the purchase of food and toiletries, utility bills, and insurance, we are also in need of used appliances, furniture, and household items. We need new or used computer/office equipment and or supplies. Please help us to help people who ARE WILLING TO LEARN TO HELP THEMSELVES. Our efforts to date have been funded by the founder of TAF. At this time we need to ask the Business Community to invest in the valuable resources whom are leaving hospitals, battered shelters, and treatment facility. The generosity of your company will determine the amount of training and aid we are able to render to those persons in need of a chance to become productive and useful members of society. Your help can make a difference in the pathway of life for many. Please contact our office with any questions, or to tell us how you can help. Transition Assistance Foundation’s “Meeting Life on Life’ Terms” Community Re-entry Program Sponsored by: Subway Foods, Lorain/Amherst ,Oh. Wendy’s Restaurant, Lorain, Oh. Kiedrowski’s Bakery, Amherst ,Oh. Pizza Hut, Lorain, Oh. Dale’s Bike Shop, Amherst, Oh. Computer Exchange, Lorain, Oh. Research International Co. Lorain Oh. Real Network. INC. Seattle, Wa. Rent-a-center, Lorain Oh. Zippo MFG. Corp. Radio Shack Lorain ,Oh. Wal-Mart Corp. Elyria Oh. A and J meat packing Company, Sandusky Oh. Sherwin Williams , Lorain Oh. KlymaX Communications , Lorain Oh. No. Coast Computer , Lorain Oh. Send Any Donations To: Transition Assistance Foundation 2900 Fulmer Rd. Lorain, Ohio 44053 Ph 440-989-5870 Fax 440-989-5872 E-mail: Donations - Using Papal $1.00 $ 5.00 $10.00 $25.00 $50.00
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